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the CAST of hellonavi.
I finally understood on this day at the current time.

I hardly ever talk extensively about my day anymore - the diary's stopped being a place for me to record my day-to-days consistently, but more of a place to make a mental dump. :) Once in a while, you'll read a name... and I don't want to explain it every time it comes up. Thus, the cast page.

Everyone here is listed alphabetically with short descriptions. If you don't see a name listed that should be here, leave a comment.

It may not be done for a while, but it shall be. I'll update the page every time I add a new entry.. I think I'll start with people with journals online first. :)

UCR 3rd yr Psych | 20 years old | Likes to read | forevergonenlost | Facebook | MS
My roomie. I had such a problem with the first roommate I had, I switched into the Room of Love (A214) with Glenda. <3 Her first reaction to my moving in was 'Sure, it's not like I'm gonna see her that much anyway!' If avoiding homework, you'll usually find her curled up with a book or asleep. Is distracted by bright shiny objects. Definitely the mommy of the apartment. Least hardy to mold and gunky mess.

Bank Employee | 21 years old | Likes to sing | euphonious-x | MS
I forget exactly how we met but I remember we had a rocky start. I did Colby's layout a while back, I had a link to Kristine and named it 'songstress'. And she is. She's got a strong voice that perfectly complements her disposition to say whatever she thinks or feels. Her ties are unbreakable and she likes to 'play Kirby.' Supportive but honest. I like it. Her balcony is THE premier place for dissolving secrets, blankets, and cigarettes.

UCLA 4th yr Psych. | 21 years old | Likes bunnies | swish | Facebook | MS
My first friend in high school. I met her in summer school Geometry. Still bubbly, but less like bubblegum and more like champagne. Much more refined. :) Doesn't have very good luck with marine pets. Always has hot roomies. Nicknames include but are not limited to Lynnier, Junk in the Trunk, or Big Booty.

UCSC 2nd yr EE/Physics | 19 years old | Likes Live Action Sailor Moon | firstchaos | Facebook | MS
Was one of the most somber people I knew in high school. His girlfriend, Tracey, really loosened him up (my theory being that their being together somewhat toned down both their levels - he being super serious, she being incredibly hyper). I'm sure college played a part too. Really funny when I get a chance to see him and had the pleasure of dancing for the Bon Odori with him in Salinas one year. What do I really know about this man? His favorite quote: 'Make a difference. Subtract.'

Cal Poly SLO 3rd yr EE/Physics | 20 years old | Likes penguins | morbidpenga | Facebook | MS
Not only does she like penguins, she really resembles one. One of the five lovely ladies that started our North High anime club. :) She loves doing craft things like knitting and making costumes. She loves her 'Craigy'. She hates bad grades but tolerates imperfection. And for your run-of-the-mill bitter atheist, this sounds impossible considering what I've just said, but she is very religious. Has always wanted to be #1! The brains behind Sailor Quan. Don't see her much, apart from my browsing on the internet. :(

UCR 3rd yr Bio Sci | 20 years old | Likes to point out useless information | hhmmmstuff | Facebook | MS
You know, you want to call him a nerd but he plays sports so well you can't. Soccer and book man. Did I say book? I meant boob. Likes to cook Italian. A smart guy infamous for horrible spelling! Known to play videogames from time to time. Musicwise, he loves the 90's and random bands like Modest Mouse. Blonde - 'nuff said.

CSUMB CS | 22 years old | Likes underage girls | lichgod
Man most likely to headbutt a deer to show you his manly manliness. Actually, I wouldn't doubt he's done it already. Loves honestly any form of geeky pasttime you could think of. Videogames, Magic, D&D, computer hardware, anime, you name it. Works in computers and lives with a fucking devil. He asked once if he could have the dryer in my backyard so he and his friends could beat it up. I let him have it. :)

Chico State Business | 25 years old | Likes asian girls | dasupa1 | MS
Old guy. :) His real name's David. I met him... playing DDR in high school. Very much the charmer, but honestly, you'll never meet anyone nicer, or anyone who can be mean and still make you smile about it. Makes an effort to be a friend and is a friend to anyone willing to be one too. Had the highest score I've ever seen on Nanaca Crash. A gentleman. Lived the very-taken life, lived the single life, and now just living the life.

SF Academy of Art Animation | 20 years old | Likes to doodle | miyume | MS
Of the five lovely anime club ladies, she is by far the most colorful. Always smiling. She writes like she speaks - very eccentrically. Is that a word? Well it should be. Engages in the lost and very much appreciated art of handwriting letters. The opposing force to Marvin, she's lost some of her bouncy positive energy but is still the same Tracey. :) Has a dog that scares the daylights out of me. >< Her dad invested in a crazy karaoke system and her mom always seems happy to see me. Her sister used to bring a different boyfriend home every time she came home.

9 lives changed. Leave a comment.